Sunday, January 10, 2010

Nair for 6 year olds?

Mags and I were at the park today waiting in line for the slide. I happened to look up at the little girl standing in front of us and was taken aback by the sheer amount of hair on her legs. And I'm not talking blonde, downy kind of fuzz. I mean full-on black hair, the kind that needs a razor taken to it, and quick.

I think I was staring because the kid behind us implored "Gooooo!" I closed my eyes and tried to shake the horrible image of this furry young lass from my mind. I guess it's cruel to shave a little kid. Or maybe her parents are earthy and the au natural type. If it were me, I'd be putting her in long-ass pants or breaking out the Nair.

1 comment:

  1. I thought the same thing when I saw my 9 year old niece with a heavy uni-brow but everyone said I was wrong. I was just trying to save her from the public humiliation she'd get in school. For some reason, my sister and Mom have forgotten how cruel kids are to each other in school.
