Saturday, December 17, 2011

They are here!

Logan Francis and Cyrus Page Alt made their debut December 3rd. And it's a good thing they did, as my ankles were beginning to swell and I was becoming dehydrated. Logan came into the world first and I heard one of the nurses remark incredously, "He's a chunky one!" I was relieved and happy about the first fat joke about my son. Cyrus came two minutes later screaming his head off, so between tears I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

We are home now and walking around like zombies. I will endeavor to update you, faithful readers, on every feeding, burp and diaper change....perhaps not the latter...

Friday, December 2, 2011

We're going in

Had my weekly baby doc appointment with Dr. Personality, who advised that we need to deliver soon due to the fact that I am "puffy." How I wanted to bear hug him for not referring to me as a majorly swollen cow. Earlier in the week I expressed to J that my ankles were swelling, which he dismissed. Either he was lying to keep my mood in check or he likes the cankle look.

So that's where we are, kids. Mama Alt will spit out Cut and Paste in a few days. How surreal. Did I mention they are also about 7 lbs EACH? How I have hauled them around for nine months and not fallen flat on my face is a credible scientific mystery.

Will write when I can! So looking forward to sipping a small, chilled glass of white wine.

Don't start with me.