Thursday, December 5, 2013

No Experience Needed

Faithful readers, I was surprised to get messages from so many of you wondering why I hadn't posted  in nearly a month.

Well, the one message, at least.

Which was more an offhand comment than a message. Potato, potah-to.

I have actually been busy considering my future, if you must know. I have taken long thoughtful walks and hosted deep inner conversations with myself to figure out...what the heck now?

The eldest bubba is in kindergarten and it appears all his neurons are firing, as he is doing almost second-grade work. The babies are big and healthy and thriving. They love books and walks around the neighborhood. They throw stuff at each other and occasionally a punch but overall are pretty damn sweet.

So how do I take care of these kiddos in a meaningful way beyond making their food from scratch and playing peek-a-boo? Specifically, how do I help build their college funds, set aside money for braces and their first cars, give them more opportunity? I get to freelance occasionally but work has slowed down, almost to the point where the money I earn buys one ticket to the movies (matinee).

I scouted some online sites for opportunities today. I want flexibility in my schedule and I don't want to return to the nonstop stress and headache of my previous job. Here is what was available, and what I am semi-qualify for:

- School crossing guard
- Pizza delivery driver
- Pilates instructor

Let's face it, the nail technician position is out of my league. And I am too dainty to clean up old people messes at the assisted living facility that is presently hiring. So I find myself here, longing for part-time work and horribly overqualified.

So what to do? Put in a few more hours at Magnus's school, where a fellow classmate routinely insults me, continue to look for opportunities to write and get paid, fold some shirts, read some books and trust the universe that it will all work out.

And blog, of course. I know you guys are counting on me.