Tuesday, July 27, 2010

the raw milk files

I've been on the sidelines of the raw milk controversy for several months. Today, a 30+-minute watercooler conversation forced me to think more deeply about the debate. (Note: watercooler conversations at my office are frequently led by scientists, Ivy League grads and generally intelligent people, so I'm compelled to listen up.)

I remain pretty convinced that drinking unpasteurized milk is not a health benefit. Raw milk presents a greater risk of food-borne illness, and there are documented outbreaks to back up that claim. I also think the way raw milk is marketed (as a strength/vitality booster, as an improvement for digestion) is dubious. Think about it: there's no heating process to kill any pathogens. You are getting it right out of the udder, germs and all.

So: raw or no raw?

I'll do you one better. If you're an adult, why drink milk at all? Animals, once they are weaned, never drink milk again. Why do we? You can get the same nutrients elsewhere. Milk inflames sinuses, causes bloating and gas, and let's face it: it's not the most amazing thing you've ever tasted. You dunk cookies in it, you slosh it in cereal, you hide it in coffee and in other foods.

My two cents on this whole thing? Give up the milk as soon as you can. Replace dairy with soy products. You won't be getting a raw deal.

Monday, July 26, 2010

why did I wait so long...

To see "The White Ribbon?" This film - beautifully paced and shot to look like an Ingmar Bergman movie - has me hooked. I tried to describe the plot to someone and after a couple of minutes she looked flummoxed. I suppose the best way to characterize it is that it's about the origins of evil, but it's also deeper and more nuanced than that.

Go see it, if you haven't. I mean it.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

doppleganger week

I've had run-ins with several look-a-likes this week. In some cases, however, these people are also in a similar line of work to the celeb that they resemble.

On Tuesday, I met with my gynecologist and a resident, who looked Dr. Kuni (the obstetrician from "Knocked Up."). It was really hard not to laugh.

On Thursday, I was in a meeting with a Deloitte & Touche consultant who looked and talked exactly like Oksana Grigorieva, the unfortunate girlfriend of Mel Gibson. I kept hoping she would shriek, "You are a maniac!" during the meeting.

Today I meet some random intern who bears a striking resemblance to Monica Lewinsky. I really had to hold it in and not laugh in her face.

With this kind of momentum, what are the chances that I will meet a Viggo Mortensen look-a-like??

Monday, July 19, 2010

my mel gibson theory

I was hoping Mel Gibson would be done with when he unleashed his anti-Semitic tirade a few years ago. We all know how that turned out. He did the mea culpit media circuit, made some crappy movies, and before you could say neo-fascist bastard, there he was on TMZ. This time, his profanity-laced rant was directed against people of color (African Americans and my Latino bretheren), and females.

As the Anti-Defamation League would say, oy vey.

People are floored by this latest episode. I've heard some suggest that his tirade is inextricably linked to his extreme Catholic views. That's certainly possible. However, I chock it all up to money. The dude has so much money - fuck you kind of money - that he's under no responsibility to act civil, fair-minded or hell, even human. Mel Gibson owns islands and probably lives very happily without the interference of other human beings. There's no impetus for him to be a nice guy and get along. He can be verbally abusive, racist, even admit to hitting a woman, and then sail back home to his island, to revel uninterrupted in his bigoted glory.

Let's be clear: I am not defending this a-hole. I hate his movies, and I think his opinions and his view of the world are despicable. You don't call my people wetbacks and get away with it, cabron. However, I think its too simplistic to blame his delusions solely on the fringe element of the church. Money can make people kooky, and big money can make kooky people kookier.

Monday, July 12, 2010

I'm going to make some enemies

By declaring that Bono is one of the most overrated rock personas of all time.

Anytime there's a media clip of him talking about a cause or issue, I cringe. Is it the sunglasses that have become a permanent part of his head? The flippy accent? I couldn't say for sure. I was a big U2 fan in high school and college but somewhere along the way, Bono's transformation from earnest lyricist/singer to posturing, self-righteous egomaniac became a huge turn-off, such that I almost feel ambivalent about the band.

I know what you're going to say: he gives so much to charity, he raises awareness about important issues, blah blah blah. He's not the only celebrity who is philanthropically inclined or has galvanized other celebrities into working for a cause. He simply gets the most press coverage.

I saw a clip on You Tube that I thought was a performance of "Atmosphere" from Joy Division, but inexplicably the video cut to Bono humming the song's opening lines and saying, "We all miss the genius that was Ian Currrrrtis." Sheesh. I can't escape this turd if I tried!

So for those of you who think Bono walks on water and can do no wrong, why don't you consider these extremely talented musicians who are equally passionate and get zilcho publicity for their good works:

David Byrne
Thurston Moore
Neil Young

Annie Lennox
Billy Corgan

Take THAT!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Things that are peeving me this week

1. People who refuse to use chop sticks while dining at an Asian restaurant
2. People who begin conversations with the sentence, "I am not a big drinker."
3. Limp handshake + greasy palm
4. People who ask you a question and become fully distracted by something else when you answer
5. My freaking fibroid

Friday, July 2, 2010

J rocks my world

This week has been super-stressful at work. Tonight I came home to a fully prepared meal by J, two loads of laundry done AND folded, homemade dessert, and he MOPPED THE FLOOR.

Somebody pinch me.