Monday, July 19, 2010

my mel gibson theory

I was hoping Mel Gibson would be done with when he unleashed his anti-Semitic tirade a few years ago. We all know how that turned out. He did the mea culpit media circuit, made some crappy movies, and before you could say neo-fascist bastard, there he was on TMZ. This time, his profanity-laced rant was directed against people of color (African Americans and my Latino bretheren), and females.

As the Anti-Defamation League would say, oy vey.

People are floored by this latest episode. I've heard some suggest that his tirade is inextricably linked to his extreme Catholic views. That's certainly possible. However, I chock it all up to money. The dude has so much money - fuck you kind of money - that he's under no responsibility to act civil, fair-minded or hell, even human. Mel Gibson owns islands and probably lives very happily without the interference of other human beings. There's no impetus for him to be a nice guy and get along. He can be verbally abusive, racist, even admit to hitting a woman, and then sail back home to his island, to revel uninterrupted in his bigoted glory.

Let's be clear: I am not defending this a-hole. I hate his movies, and I think his opinions and his view of the world are despicable. You don't call my people wetbacks and get away with it, cabron. However, I think its too simplistic to blame his delusions solely on the fringe element of the church. Money can make people kooky, and big money can make kooky people kookier.


  1. Cabron? I had to look it up. So either you called Mel a goat or bastard mutherfucker. I'll take the latter for 100 Alex.

  2. Well I love me some Lethal Weapon, The Patriot and Braveheart. I think Mad Max was a hottie. I have to seperate movie Mel from crazy racist Mel. We are still talking about Pack of Niggas. Seriously Mel, "PACK" Don't dogs and wolves run in packs? I guess he couldnt say a school of Ns since we dont swim.
