Tuesday, June 2, 2015

i might be insensitive

And I might be unpopular. But I am conflicted over Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner issue, and perhaps a tad pissed. (Somewhat pissed).

It's great for Caitlyn because she has fame and money and Annie Lebovitz shot her for Vanity Fair's cover. But what about most trans people, who face challenges with health care, using certain bathrooms, employment, violence, etc.?

Also....when was the last time Vanity Fair put an older woman on its cover? I'm just a tad miffed that it's a man, transitioning to a woman, who gets that coveted spot. And by older of course we mean over 45.

Should I even bring up people of color who are actually mobilizing for social justice? Maybe not.

I can get tunnel vision about things so perhaps this is a good example.

Faithful readers, and anyone else, please sound off.