Monday, January 18, 2010

Condo Drama, Part Two!

Faithful readers of this blog may remember last season's battle of the pools, which pitted childless condo owners against owners with offspring who like to swim. The Board held several meetings to determine whether it was safe to let babies in the water. Logic triumphed and now we can take our kiddies to the pool and only incur resentful looks instead of full-on brawls.

So this season's plotline involves aggressive dogs, body-building neighbors and a restraining order. Yep. Apparently, a female owner (who is pumped like a mini Arnold Schwarzenegger) has a pitbull that was bitten by our neighbor's dog, a really lovely and friendly mutt named Napoleon. There was some bickering and name calling between the owners. Then apparently the p-bill was attacked again and the cops were called. On Sunday, the body-building owner hid in the bushes to watch as Napoleon's owner was served with a restraining order. Which I find kind of funny. She wants a restraining order to keep a safe distance, yet she stands 10 feet away from the person she is trying to avoid.

We were in the backyard with some neighbors when all this went down. A huge ruckus errupted. Napoleon's owner, who is about 60 something, yelled at the woman, who yelled back, "You come near me and you're going to be arrested!" Then Napoleon's owner lost all of her cool and shouted, "Stay away from this walkway you fucker!"

I delicately placed my hands on Magnus's ears and suggested we go inside. I feel bad for our neighbors and Napoleon, who is truly a sweet and passive dog. But I'm curious how this will play out. Can they not go to the mailbox at the same time? What if Napoleon's owners are checking the mail and the bodybuilder shows up? What if there are more profanity-laced eruptions in front of Magnus?

We were thinking of buying a house next year but perhaps we need to bump up that timeline...

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you guys need your own reality show. Id watch.
