Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Screw You Pat Robertson

Oh, where to begin. Most intelligent people agree that the Earth has been quaking and cracking for millions of years, attributed to a little thing called fault lines. Earthquakes, however severe, do not have a cause and effect relationship with human behavior. Hence, Haiti didn't bring about the recent massive quake because it signed a pact with the devil 200 years ago to fight French imperalists. (Although that scenario does make for an interesting movie plot.)

I won't waste writer's energy lambasting Pat Robertson and his legion of idiots. The believers can't resist taking a swipe at their motal enemy, Satan, and linking the sad state of affairs to human collusion with that bad boy Lucifer. (According to some historical data I read, Haitians practiced santeria in the 1700s, when they allegedly made "the pact" to drive out the French. Santeria is distinct from Satanism. But screw THOSE details...)

The point I'd like to articulate, in addition to extending a big fat middle finger to Mr. Robertson, is that in the wake of this disaster, it is the non-religious groups that deserve major credit. Organizations like UNICEF and the Red Cross (despite its name, not a religious group) are on the front lines to deliver food, build infrastructure and give people hope. For all their talk about Christ , we're not seeing a deluge of church groups - or even Mr. Robertson's pious organization - stepping in to help.

How frigging convenient. I imagine once Haiti has been semi-restored, the believers will waste no time arriving with pamphlets about Christ and tips on how to avoid witch doctors...

1 comment:

  1. This brings up a good question...the answer to which I am too lazy to look up. Why IS it called the Red Cross? Anyway, I gave to UNICEF. I hear it's still a disaster over at the Red Cross. ;)
