Thursday, August 26, 2010

more annoying parenting debates

I caught a commercial recently that advertised a truly revolutionary DVD that will teach your baby to read in no time at all. And you, the parent, don't have to do anything! (Well, except pop in the DVD).

Does Magnus need to read, at two and a half? We read to him every day and he loves nothing more than sitting in our laps with a pile of books. He is curious about the world, is sweet to other children and exerts happiness and self-confidence at practically every turn. Seems like he's doing just fine. Am I ruining his future because I think he should progress at a developmentally appropriate pace - ie, just have fun being a kid?

Parents can suck the joy straight out of being a parent. Our cultural obsession with milestone achievements, like whether Junior can recite all 50 states, pronounce foie grae and tell time, is like taking a handful of downers. Can we dispense with this kookiness already? As long as a child is secure, healthy and feels unconditional love and support from his parents, chances are he will do just fine. His ability to read a book at three doesn't seem like it will ensure a lifetime of emotional stability and high-paying jobs.

Or maybe I'm the crazy one.

1 comment:

  1. My philosophy is to let the kids be kids. I know reading is supposed to be fun and everything but I want my kids to play as much as they can while they have the freedom to do so. I still read to them and do flash cards to help build their vocabulary and they enjoy it. They will learn to read when they are ready.
