Monday, August 23, 2010

I like old people

This weekend was the 30th anniversary of J's employer, Delicate Productions. The company's main office is located near the Camarillo Airport so they hosted a plane-theme event, taking advantage of an airshow that takes place pretty regularly at the airport. Folks sat in hard plastic chairs, donned binoculars and commented with a fair amount of expertise on the pilots' flying styles, or lack thereof. Meanwhile, the hosts passed out alcohol in blue plastic cups and offered store-bought carrot sticks and dip. It was the most redneck I have ever been, and I loved it.

We found ourselves sitting with a group of 55+ year olds who were an absolute hoot. The women wore halter-style tops and had their nails painted in the same color, which also matched the color of their purses. Too cute! The men pointed out things about the planes that I had no clue about and talked about their fly fishing technique. I was entranced. They were so at ease with themselves, with life. I found myself wanting to hang out with these old coots, and I never want to hang out with anyone. They didn't BS about their Blackberry reception, or which posh restaurant they just frequented, or which namby pamby preschool to send their kids to. There was a refreshing lack of pretense. If we lived nearby, they would seriously have come over to our house after the party for more drinking and conversation.

Old people rock.