Thursday, October 29, 2009


Our next door neighbor just told me she's expecting her second baby. In the same breath, she handed me a book on fertility and what I perceived to be a look of pity, but perhaps I am overly sensitive.

I decided not to go through the book in its entirety and just skim the most interesting parts. After J and I ate dinner last night and Mags was asleep, I let the book fall open to the middle section, which was devoted to cervical mucus. Photos, too. If that wasn't bad enough, there was a chart where the owner of the book could note the consistency of their mucus. I glanced at the chart and then gasped. The neighbor had written down every freaking consistency possible- slippery, cakey, dense - in addition to the color and odor of her cervical fluid. I shut the book and was overcome with nausea.

The worst part is I invited her and her family over for dinner in two weeks. I cannot look at her now without thinking about her slimy mucus. It's grossing me out. How can I eat a meal next to her and not gag? Why didn't she think to put a sticky pad or taped piece of paper over her freaking mucus chart? I'm already annoyed that she's pregnant after trying to conceive for only two months, and now she's given me mucus on the brain. Curses!!