Friday, August 31, 2012

What did I learn this summer?

Faithful readers, you will be pleased to know that I didn't waste an entire summer shopping online or reading trashy beach novels. I in fact have acquired some new skills and knowledge! They include:

1.  How to julienne a zucchini. Properly.
2.  How to change a diaper with an upside down infant. Harder than it looks.
3.  How to drive past trucks with Mitt Romney stickers and chuckle. Not too loudly.
4.  How to prepare shopping lists and write a press release. At the same time. This is also harder than it looks.
5.  How to stick three screaming children in a car without drawing too much attention to myself.
6.  How to be neighborly. Big one! I went to a new neighbor's house and introduced myself. By, like, myself.
7.  How to prep a Slip N Slide.
8.  How to wipe runny noses, take temperatures and dispense Tylenol. For three people. All of them under five.
9.  How to disguise boxes so the Mister doesn't think I am spending too much shopping online.
10. How to love the suburbs.

Ha ha, that last one is a crock of shit. But I am working on it.

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