Friday, October 15, 2010

seriously? just one penis?

Now that I've got your attention....

I am perplexed by people who marry their high school sweetheart. Not people who date someone in high school, break up and then find them years later. I mean people who date in high school, continue to date in college and then marry as soon as they graduate.

Amazingly, I have met three such couples in the past year. I am intrigued and slightly repelled by them. Especially the men. Simply put, I can't believe they don't crave more vajay-jay.

But the women are not off the hook, either. Sometimes, especially when I'm in conversation with this one couple who hooked up when they were 16 and are now 29, I have to fight my urge to take the wife by the shoulders, point to her husband and say, "You've only had sex with HIM??"

Okay, I know sex is not the only thing that keeps a couple together. But longterm attraction has got to be tough if you never dated other people, or dated a relative few. The world is a big fat amazing place, with lots of amazing people. How can you be sure at 22 that you have made the best decision for the rest of your life?

I asked my psychologist friend D to weigh in on the issue. He advised that I was trying to wedge people into my view of the world and hypothesizing. However, when pressed, he agreed that marrying one's high school boyfriend or girlfriend was weird. (Or, as he phrased it, "potentially limiting.")

D also pointed out that some people experience fear that they will never find another person if they break up, and that fear influences their decision to get married.

I shudder to think what would have happened if I married my high school/college b-friend. I recently blogged about running into him at a restaurant and being shocked by his bad taste in clothes. I definitely needed to have more life experience, and much better sex.

So in conclusion, I submit that it's better to date a lot and have life experience before taking the plunge into marriage. Or, to be blunt, have more than one penis before you settle into a life of just one penis.

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