Friday, June 28, 2013

Why other people's kids suck

1.  They are know-it-alls. And loud mouths, to boot.
2.  They cough and don't cover their mouth.
3.  They watch TV and convince your kid he should be doing the same.
4.  They have no food allergies and can eat whatever they want.
5.  They cough and don't cover their mouth.
6.  They poop in your bathroom and leave you to find it.
7.  They eat all the snacks in your house. Even the infant rice cereal. And they want more.
8.  They love McDonald's and think your kid should, too.
9.  They cough and don't cover their mouth.
10.  They weigh less than your twins but are twice as old.
11.  They are an only child but have five times as many toys as your kids. And their toys are cool.
12.  They are slightly older than your eldest child but feel too superior to play with him or acknowledge that he exists.
13.  They wear Burberry. 'Nuff said.
14.  They eat only organic food.
15.  They eat only non-organic food.
16.  They cough and....see above.

1 comment:

  1. I can't stand the kids in my neighborhood. They are so stupid! One kid's answer to everything is,"Huh?" He does that so he has time to think of a lie, He is also a terrible student - Cs and Ds. He is 7 years old and an idiot.
