Friday, May 24, 2013

Kids are cruel

How many times have you heard the phrase that kids are cruel? My mother used to tell me that, wiping the tears from my eyes because someone in class called me a name or stole another doll from my bedroom. (Why did I hang with such hooligans?)

Kids are cruel to one another but also cruel to their parents. Here is just a small list of things that were said to me this week:

Me: "Hi Cyrus!"
Cyrus: "Bye."

Me: "I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas. I like to - "
Magnus: "Mommy, please don't sing."
Me: "Don't sing this song?"
Magnus: "Don't sing ever."

Me: "Hi Logan!"
Logan: "Nooooo! Da da." (Child runs down the hall to the safety of his father.)

Me: "Magnus, want to come outside and play cars with me?"
Magnus: "I would rather be in my room."

Magnus: "I love Daddy and Nana so much."

Me: "Who wants to sit next to me at dinner?"
Magnus: "Not me!"

You looked distressed so I won't list any of the other barbs that are routinely tossed my way. Of course I am being overly dramatic. (Oh, you are a new reader? You will get used to it. And you will love me in like, no time).

Apparently one day when they are grown, I will miss that my kiddos were needy. mean-spirited self-centered youngins. Until then I have to put up with their crap. So I'll just keep biting my tongue, cursing the fish and reaching for (my omnipresent) bottle of wine.

1 comment:

  1. Gurl, you need to invoke your mommy powers stat! Guilt is a wonderful thing. My kids tell me that they love me everyday and that I'm the best mommy ever. They are my minions and know their place.
