Monday, February 18, 2013

Okay, so

I am lonely! I see you shaking your head. How is that possible, you ask, with three kiddos in the house? I find myself asking the same question. Also, we have play dates almost every week, at least Magnus does. So I do see other people. And I email friends when I can, and sometimes I actually get to see them in the flesh. But day in and day out, I am beholden to the needs of three human beings who are cute, but don't give a crap about the fact that I am on my own, isolated, and feeling a bit blue about that.

I actually Googled stay-at-home mom and loneliness to see if other moms felt the same or if I had some strange malady not yet discovered by science. A lot of them do feel lonely, even depressed. Yes! Victory! Shouldn't I feel better now that I know there are approximately five million at-home moms and a good chunk of them feel lonesome?

Misery doesn't love company in my case. Maybe if we still lived in LA I wouldn't feel so forlorn, or maybe I would cherish the loneliness as some weird badge of motherhood honor. But, as you know, because you LOVE this blog, we are living in more rural parts now and the quietness of suburbia only reinforces feeling alone.

How did the pioneer women handle motherhood without yoga, blogging or Xanax? They had to raise their broods AND wash clothes by hand, chop wood and even reach for a gun if the homestead was threatened. So much heavy lifting but I am sure the solitary aspect of their work made many of them feel isolated and depressed.

Well, I must end this to help Mags get into the tub. I miss you already. Give me a hug. Harder.

1 comment:

  1. The lack of genuine adult oral stimulation (take it in, gurl) gets to the best of us. I’m very grateful for fb even though no one really speaks to me but at least I can be nosey and look at pictures and privately pass judgment on people who obsessively post photos of cats with hateful tag lines. At least you’re in the wilderness – so to speak. Nature is lovely and I do enjoy silence when I can get it. But regardless, if you desire to interact with people albeit via the computer then by God woman, reach out.
