Wednesday, October 12, 2011

what to make of polygamy

Last week, before I started working from home, I was having a conversation with a colleague who was irate about a TV show that features a polygamous family. "It's disgusting, they should all be thrown in jail," she declared. "It's immoral to have more than one spouse!"

I considered this while waddling to the bathroom for my 67th pee break. I personally don't know any polygamous families. I know I probably wouldn't be very good in a polygamous relationship - too many birthdays to remember, plus I'm ultra competitive and would spend a lot of time trying to outshine the other wives. But is polygamy a threat to our society? I really don't know.

People like to hold up traditional marriage as the ultimate social model, and while I happen to be very happily married, I know that the institution is not faring well in terms of success. Mucho divorces, or people not marrying at all. So what if some guy takes four wives and breeds a ton of kids? What do I care, as long as he's not hurting them or me? Who is to say that this lifestyle is dangerous and undermining America?

Faithful readers, married or otherwise, please sound off.

1 comment:

  1. Polygamy doesn’t have any bearing on my life so I could give a shit. I am amazed though at how people get so offended by just hearing about another person’s different lifestyle. I’m not into open marriage but would I shun some else for it? No. It’s none of my business. When gay marriage gets approval on the federal level, that could open the door for polygamist to file suit when in the end is just wasting more tax dollars. This country is supposed to allow freedom of beliefs - as long as there is no cannibalism, murder, pedophilia/rape, incest or discrimination who gives a fuck? We have Disneyland for God’s sake!
