Monday, May 16, 2011

animal cruelty sucks

Like any sap, I am easily overcome by commercials featuring photos of abused and injured animals. Who are these maniacs who torture and hurt defenseless dogs and cats? They must be annihilated, and with pain. Then it occured to me, during a commercial this weekend for the Humane Society that touts animal abuse prevention, that stopping these attacks in advance is probably impossible.

Society is made up of normal people, semi-normal people and psychos. The latter often start their career in homicide by abusing animals. Jeffrey Dahmer is a great example, and his immediately family were helpless to prevent his attacks. Unless an organization has a psycho GPS tracking system, how can they identify these folks and stop them before they light Spot on fire? Tragically, we become aware of these abuses only after they have taken place.

J thought perhaps I was reading too much into the commercial and that prevention was a buzz word to get people to donate money. I am not so sure. Don't get me wrong, I support any organization that defends abused animals. I am just not convinced that you can stop it before it happens.


  1. I agree. What did the guy who set the dog on fire say to the police? "Oh, really? You're not supposed to set dogs on fire? What about cats?" These organizations like to say that education is the key. Well, I'm a firm believer that education does not teach people the difference between right and wrong otherwise we wouldn't have prisons - criminals would be sent to college eventhough you can still get your degree in prison but it's not manditory. So there. My point is with low IQs and mental illness there will always be collateral damage.
