Over the weekend I took Mags to see "Seussical," the musical featuring Dr. Seuss. I loathe musicals, so sitting in a theater with no alcohol and listening to a slew of overly made-up actors shrieking song after song was nothing less than a heroic act of love and sacrifice.
The best part came during intermission. After the house lights went up, Magnus picked up his coat and declared, "Time to go."
I explained it was actually not time to go, it was intermission, the point in a theatrical production when one can use the restroom, chat with other attendees or go on a manic hunt for alcohol.
"But MOM," Mags protested in his best protesting voice, "the show is all OVER!"
I tried, faithful readers, I really did try to coax the stubborn little ingrate back into his seat. But he was having none of it. After a fruitless back-and-forth exchange in which I pointed out that we had paid to see an entire show, not the first half, that we had paid for lemonade that he could finish during the second half, and that damn it, couldn't I just sit with my eyes closed and pretend to be paying attention while I tried to recover my energy, he stepped over the people next to us and started to hightail it out of the theater.
I didn't chase after him.
Okay, I did. I wasn't going to risk jail for community theater.
On the way home, smugly sipping his theater lemonade, Magnus commented, "Mommy, that was
really fun! We should go see a show again. Okay?"
Slamming on the brakes and reaching back to (lightly) strangle him was probably not a good idea, so I let it go. After all, we were 20 minutes away from a refreshing glass of wine.