Last week I had the great fortune of meeting Dr. Murad (THAT Dr. Murad, of the famed Murad skin care line). Our company is doing a cause marketing partnership with Murad in support of women's cancers research. The meeting was designed to immerse our team in the Murad philosophy of inclusive health.
But I digress.
Dr. Murad was kind enough to give us a tour of Murad's sprawling complex, show us his office and laboratory spaces, feed us fruit and then talk to us about his world view. All good until he discussed children and how we could all benefit from being more child-like.
Uhhhhhhhhh.....I've heard this argument before but I decided to give it more consideration after our meeting. I fully believe that most adults are consumed by the mundane realities of life: the mortgage, car insurance, office politics, job stresses, etc. We don't laugh as much as we could or take the time to find pleasure in small things.
However, I am at a loss as to how I could become more child-like while still earning a living, raising a family and keeping my husband attracted to me. Baby talk is completely out of the question. I suppose I could stop cooking dinner and when Magnus and J look to me with hunger in their eyes, I could point to the backyard and yell, "Slide!" Or, when my boss gives me my budget and asks why I'm spending money on certain things, I could place my hand beneath my armpit and emit fart noises. Something along those lines?
I do try to make an effort as much as possible to reflect on the many positives of my life and find humor instead of looking at the negative, but that's as far as I can go without completely regressing and soiling my pants. I wonder, is Dr. Murad, who runs a multimillion dollar empire, really child-like in his views? I can't imagine the pressures of product development, research, marketing, fulfillment and customer service allowing for him to be whimsical, open and trusting.
But perhaps I'm just a battered, cynical old soul who is beyond help?