Monday, January 16, 2012

Supply and demand

Hello! Miss me? I have missed you all and spent many a sleepless night wondering if you would welcome me back into your good graces.

So what is new with yours truly? Adjusting to fluctuating hormones, two beautiful ( if slightly demanding) newborns...and the reality that I will not meet my goal of nursing for six months. Oh hells, no.

In addition to the fact that our firstborn twin, Mr. Logan, is almost nine pounds at just four weeks and puts away at least four ounces per feeding, I was spending a HUGE amount of it tethered to the breast pump, or having a baby dangling from my boob. Time away from Magnus. But also, supply seemed to be dwindling after the third week. I was tired, with elevated blood pressure, and slightly dehydrated, for which I had to make an unfortunate trip to the ER for some meds. Upon my return, less milk seemed to be emerging, no matter how much I was pumping or getting a baby to latch on. After a week of frustration and seemingly starving babies, I packed away the pump and drove to Whole Foods to buy organic formula. And that's all she wrote.

Initially I felt guilty over giving up the god-given right to breast feed, and had more than one vision of the babies growing up to be bank robbers, obese and resentful due to being fed an early diet of formula. But as my hormones started to stabilize, I knew this was the best decision for me and ultimately them. I am sure they could sense my frustration and anxiety, and spending days in tears worrying that they might die of starvation wasn't doing me or anyone any good.

So there we are, slightly one month since the babies arrival into this world. Their pediatrician declared them healthy and perfect at their recent check up. I am at peace with my decision, and even able to laugh at irony of the inscription on the Medela baby bottles when I feed them (breast is best!)

On to the next adventure, then.

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