Thursday, November 7, 2013

Kirk Cameron is freaking awesome

No, you don't need your eyes checked. Yes, I am posting after weeks of hectic schedules and vacation. And yes, I think Kirk Cameron is the bomb.

Now don't go to someone else's blog and forget about me. Let me 'splain. I like Kirk Cameron, and I check him out on Facebook, because of the sheer comedy that comes out of his Jesus-worshipping mouth. He tells gays they are going to hell. He stated that he doesn't think Stephen Hawking is that smart. Recently he defended Senator Akin, another Jesus-loving moron who attempted to differentiate between rape and "legitimate" rape.

The thing about Kirk Cameron is that he is convinced he is right despite tons of scientific evidence to the contrary. To me this makes him the ultimate court jester. He's almost arrogant if he weren't so freaking funny. Remember when he debated god and evolution? That the banana was an example of god's handiwork? Only Sarah Palin is funnier but by a hair.

Check him out on Facebook, crack open a beer and have yourself a good chuckle. Lord knows you deserve it. (Get it?)

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