Kids are cruel to one another but also cruel to their parents. Here is just a small list of things that were said to me this week:
Me: "Hi Cyrus!"
Cyrus: "Bye."
Me: "I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas. I like to - "
Magnus: "Mommy, please don't sing."
Me: "Don't sing this song?"
Magnus: "Don't sing ever."
Me: "Don't sing this song?"
Magnus: "Don't sing ever."
Me: "Hi Logan!"
Logan: "Nooooo! Da da." (Child runs down the hall to the safety of his father.)
Me: "Magnus, want to come outside and play cars with me?"
Magnus: "I would rather be in my room."
Magnus: "I love Daddy and Nana so much."
Me: "Who wants to sit next to me at dinner?"
Magnus: "Not me!"
You looked distressed so I won't list any of the other barbs that are routinely tossed my way. Of course I am being overly dramatic. (Oh, you are a new reader? You will get used to it. And you will love me in like, no time).
Apparently one day when they are grown, I will miss that my kiddos were needy. mean-spirited self-centered youngins. Until then I have to put up with their crap. So I'll just keep biting my tongue, cursing the fish and reaching for (my omnipresent) bottle of wine.