Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Not another Holocaust movie??

The mister and I were settling in, after a long day of caring for the kiddos, when the mood suddenly hit.


We dusted off the DVD that had been sitting on the dining room table for almost two weeks. While wading through the previews, which we view because we are pathetic individuals who never know what films are coming out anymore, we sat through a trailer for a foreign film about the Holocaust.

I like Holocaust movies. I am fairly certain I have seen just about every Holocaust film ever made, even old ones like The Sorrow and the Pity. I have also watched an array of documentaries and sought out films that chronicle the stories of lesser-known victims, like gay men and people who were deemed mentally or physically unfit.

However, while watching the preview for this latest Holocaust film, all I could think was....really? Another Holocaust movie?

Don't start preaching. I am not saying we should abandon all memory of the Holocaust and never address what happened again in film or art. I simply think it is time there are other stories about genocide that should be told.

For example, the extermination of Native Americans or the Armenian genocide. There have got to be SOME story lines there that people would be riveted by. There is a mass assault taking place right now against Syrian citizens and untold numbers of people have died. Human beings outside Europe
have been put through the worst of human misery but we don't get the opportunity to hear their 

I am sure there are reasons why other atrocities are not featured as prominently in film or are 
otherwise not made, so I won't drag this out any longer than is necessary. The end result is that I will 
probably bypass this latest Holocaust movie and hope I come across a film with a new story to be experienced.

But not a genocide musical, please please no.

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