I can't keep it from you anymore. The deceit, the evasiveness...its become too much to bear. I swore from day one I'd be honest with you, faithful readers. You deserve that, and so much more.
What am I talking about?
Oh, I'm pregnant! Ha ha! Today's ultrasound confirmed it. But wait, there's MORE! As in more than one baby. Uh huh. Yours truly is 12 weeks and 3 days pregnant with twins.
I'll let you chew on that for a second while I get up and pee.
...I'm back! How do you feel? Shock? Yeah, me too. Hasn't sunk in yet, the reality that at the end of the year I will have three kids, two of them newborn, and that we have to put all of them through college. Wow. Who knew? I don't even have IVF to thank for this surprise turn of events. Nope. One round of Clomid, combined with six months of acupuncture, and WHAM! Instant high-risk pregnancy.
Will write more soon. Must lie down, maybe eat a rack of lamb. They take a lot out of you, twinsies.
Start thinking of names, will you?