Monday, July 12, 2010

I'm going to make some enemies

By declaring that Bono is one of the most overrated rock personas of all time.

Anytime there's a media clip of him talking about a cause or issue, I cringe. Is it the sunglasses that have become a permanent part of his head? The flippy accent? I couldn't say for sure. I was a big U2 fan in high school and college but somewhere along the way, Bono's transformation from earnest lyricist/singer to posturing, self-righteous egomaniac became a huge turn-off, such that I almost feel ambivalent about the band.

I know what you're going to say: he gives so much to charity, he raises awareness about important issues, blah blah blah. He's not the only celebrity who is philanthropically inclined or has galvanized other celebrities into working for a cause. He simply gets the most press coverage.

I saw a clip on You Tube that I thought was a performance of "Atmosphere" from Joy Division, but inexplicably the video cut to Bono humming the song's opening lines and saying, "We all miss the genius that was Ian Currrrrtis." Sheesh. I can't escape this turd if I tried!

So for those of you who think Bono walks on water and can do no wrong, why don't you consider these extremely talented musicians who are equally passionate and get zilcho publicity for their good works:

David Byrne
Thurston Moore
Neil Young

Annie Lennox
Billy Corgan

Take THAT!!!


  1. You forgot Neil Finn - does a ton of work for Oxfam.

    There are so many antiBono-ites out there, I feel like it's just trendy to hate the guy.

  2. Well, I've hated him for a while. ; )
