I've been on the sidelines of the raw milk controversy for several months. Today, a 30+-minute watercooler conversation forced me to think more deeply about the debate. (Note: watercooler conversations at my office are frequently led by scientists, Ivy League grads and generally intelligent people, so I'm compelled to listen up.)
I remain pretty convinced that drinking unpasteurized milk is not a health benefit. Raw milk presents a greater risk of food-borne illness, and there are documented outbreaks to back up that claim. I also think the way raw milk is marketed (as a strength/vitality booster, as an improvement for digestion) is dubious. Think about it: there's no heating process to kill any pathogens. You are getting it right out of the udder, germs and all.
So: raw or no raw?
I'll do you one better. If you're an adult, why drink milk at all? Animals, once they are weaned, never drink milk again. Why do we? You can get the same nutrients elsewhere. Milk inflames sinuses, causes bloating and gas, and let's face it: it's not the most amazing thing you've ever tasted. You dunk cookies in it, you slosh it in cereal, you hide it in coffee and in other foods.
My two cents on this whole thing? Give up the milk as soon as you can. Replace dairy with soy products. You won't be getting a raw deal.
Just because they only come every four years...
12 years ago