Monday, May 17, 2010

mumps, whooping cough, measles, oh my

Today's Los Angeles Times carried a story about a resurgence of mumps in LA. I had to do a double take. Mumps? What the hell? Are eight track tapes also coming back in style?

Unfortunately, the diseases of childhood (mumps, measles and whooping cough) are still here. And rising. Unbelievably, two children died from whooping cough this year. I curse all the parents who refuse to vaccinate their kids because they are convinced they will get autism. That myth was widely disputed and eventually dispelled, morons. Meanwhile, you are enrolling your twerps in kindergarten and putting hundreds of elementary school kids at risk for mass outbreaks. Our local charter school in Marina del Rey seems to have attracted the most loons, with 40% of its student population unvaccinated. Thank you all very much.

Must move to remote island soonest.


  1. Too bad the vaccines aren't 100% effective otherwise the out breaks of disease would be minimal.
