Monday, March 1, 2010

binge eating at Disneyland

On Sunday, we took advantage of the break in the rain to head south and visit the happiest place on earth. (Again.)

We are fortunate to have annual passes and we probably make 5-6 trips a year to the Magic Kingdom. The baby is now old enough that he recognizes some of the walk-around characters and can go on the smaller rides. Family fun knows no bounds.

Something happened on Sunday's trip. Maybe it was all the walking, or maybe it was all the dieting I've been doing to achieve my pre-pregnancy weight and tone up. Whatever it was, I was suddenly consumed by the insatiable need to eat EVERYTHING in sight.

It started with the pretzel at 10:30. I needed it. No, you don't understand. I needed it, with every fiber of my being. J offered to split it with me and I was supremely annoyed by that.

An hour later I bought some pineapple spears from a corner vendor. J probably would have liked a taste but I had a wild animal look in my eyes. He let me be.

Thirty minutes later I was famished and made poor J stand in a 15 minute line for burgers. I should have had a salad and called it a day but my sanity and willpower had completely left me. I didn't even talk, I just lowered my head and attacked everything on the plate like a lion eating a deer.

At 2 p.m. I had the munchies again. We passed a colorful sign that featured corn dogs. I turned to J with real pleading in my eyes. He sighed, pulled his wallet out of the stroller and headed to the line without a word.

As we exited the park later that afternoon, we passed an ice cream stand. How can you visit D-land and not eat the famed Mickey Mouse ice cream sandwich? You can't.

I really should have been in a food coma by now. But I was energized and bizzarely, still hankering for more. As we drove home, I mentally listed all of the horrible foods I had consumed beginning that morning. I was mortified, but only briefly. Incredibly, my thoughts floated back to the many delectable items I had missed: frozen bananas, slushy lemonade, barbecued meats on a stick. Mmmm.

Unbelievably, I still had room to eat at 7 p.m. We got home, put Mags to bed, and then I popped open a can of my favorite sardines from Spain (marinated in a spicy tomato and olive oil sauce), cut up a cucumber and opened up a pack of salami and mortadella. I looked up and J was staring at me, partially amused and partially horrified.

That is a disturbing look, folks. I decided to skip dessert and just go to bed.

I mean, I have to execute some control.

1 comment:

  1. Jesus that's a lot of food. I thought I ate a lot. Are you sure you aren't pg?
