Thursday, November 19, 2009


Last night I caught an advertisement for a new movie featuring, according to the voice over, three of the "best actors of our generation."

They are: Natalie Portman, Tobey Maguire and Jake Gyllenhaal.

CLEARLY this is an error. I hold no grudges against any of these performers but I am sorry, the best actors of our generation?? Ever heard of Gael Garcia-Bernal? How about Cate Blanchett, Javier Bardem or Don Cheadle? I'm no Johnny Depp fan but even he is a huge cut above Mr. Spiderman Maguire.

I am sure the studio behind the marketing blitz will realize they've overstepped their bounds mistake and immediately correct this glaring and embarrasing error....!!


  1. Fat chance. The EPs want everyone to see that movie twice so for the next month those are the greatesst actors that ever lived.

  2. Toby Maguire is about as exciting as a paper bag. How about Kate Winslet? Even Leonardo DiCaprio? Anyone but Peter Parker.
