Monday, November 23, 2009

for REAL? part two

In so many movies, there is the typical scene where the female lead is asleep and wakes up and sees the male lead. No big deal until she sits up and without getting up to brush her teeth, kisses him full on the mouth. This to me is unbelievable, and gross. Nobody wakes up minty fresh and kisses the object of their affection with their mouth open. Could Hollywood please get a clue and make these scenes more realistic?!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Last night I caught an advertisement for a new movie featuring, according to the voice over, three of the "best actors of our generation."

They are: Natalie Portman, Tobey Maguire and Jake Gyllenhaal.

CLEARLY this is an error. I hold no grudges against any of these performers but I am sorry, the best actors of our generation?? Ever heard of Gael Garcia-Bernal? How about Cate Blanchett, Javier Bardem or Don Cheadle? I'm no Johnny Depp fan but even he is a huge cut above Mr. Spiderman Maguire.

I am sure the studio behind the marketing blitz will realize they've overstepped their bounds mistake and immediately correct this glaring and embarrasing error....!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Tao of Roya

At the suggestion of a good friend, I went to see a doctor of Chinese medicine. For many months I have been dealing with fluctuating cycles and simply awful periods - I will spare you, gentle reader, all the horrible, clotty details. Suffice it to say, the time had come for me to face my fibroid head-on.

The appointment at Tao of Wellness could not have been more perfect. Dr. Dao is a master healer and a wonderful human being, so genuinely compassionate and caring. He greeted me with a huge hug and we sat in his office for a 45-minute consultation. He never once looked at this watch or tried to rush things along. He asked thoughtful questions in a measured and soothing way, never once sounding the alarm. He checked my pulse and then made a list of four things that he thought I could use help with, including my energy level, which has been seriously depleted since the arrival of Mr. Mags. He then took me into a quiet room and performed a 30-minute acupuncture treatment to get the energy circulating back to the uterus and reproductive area. I didn't even flinch when the needles were inserted, the process is that sublime. I just lay there with a goofy smile on my face, so thrilled that I finally took the plunge and came to see him.

Dr. Dao's partner, Dr. Chen, then came back with a long list of dietary restrictions. My heart sank for a second but then I did a double take. Did I really think natural healing would come about without some sacrifice and changes to my lifestyle? Sheesh. So for me to achieve more harmony and balance, I have to stop all consumption of dairy products, alcohol (sniff), caffeine, yeast breads and I have to drink beverages that are room temperature, not ice cold, which redirects energy in the wrong way. Oh...and then there's the tea.

Dr. Dao mixed up a bag of herbs for me that I need to boil and make into a tea and then drink it three times a day. It's on the stove percolating now and I know when J walks through the door he will flip over the smell. The scent makes me feel like we're in a hippy bookstore in Santa Cruz. I seriously should go find a headband and tie it around my face, it's that intense. But heck, I only need to drink the tea for six days. It's not like it's a lifetime commitment to stink.

I feel a great sense of inner peace having gone to see Dr. Dao and feel I am finally on the right path to health and balance.

And hopefully another little one. Let's see if I can suck down enough tea...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nothing restores me

Like the sea. Whenever I've felt down or had challenges in my life, I drive to Dockweiller Beach and watch the ocean. Something about the rish and crash of the waves, the dappled sun on the water and the wind rushing through the palm trees gives me peace and the ability to understand the world. The sea is the world's most perfect drug.

Yesterday I was exhausted from fighting the flu. I bundled up Magnus and we drove up the hill and parked in my favorite spot overlooking the water. Magnus seemed into it, tossing aside his favorite toy monkey to look out the window and watch the waves. I talked to him about the sun coming out every day over the water and then falling each evening against a stunning backdrop of colors, and how lucky we are to live so close to such amazing beauty. He grinned at me and then drooled.

As we drove home I actually felt stronger than I had for several days. I was also buoyed by the notion that the sickness would soon pass and life would be restored to its natural balance. Just 20 minutes at the beach and my spirit was calm. That ain't something Tamaflu can do.

Friday, November 6, 2009

The swine flu really sucks

I always cherish being healthy but I especially cherish it now as I lay on the bed with my millionth cup of tea and a box of Tamaflu on the nightstand. J came down with the s-flu this weekend, lovingly passed it on to me, and we've been waging the battle together ever since. This is sickness and in health, folks.

I don't remember much of Tuesday, my worst day. I didn't really get up from bed and mostly floated in and out of a feverish sleep. My parents came and took Mags home with them to protect his tiny immune system. I missed him painfully but having him fall ill was not something J or I wanted.

The doctor confirmed I had the flu on Wednesday and prescribed rest and good drugs. It's been a marathon of sleep, water and endless pills. This flu is vivid in my memory. Its more acute than other strains I've experienced before. It's hard to draw a deep breath and you become exhausted at the slightest mobility, like sitting up. I am diligent about work and checking in but now, I can't even cross the bedroom to retrieve my Blackberry. If the New York Times called us for a front-page interview, I'd roll on my side and go to sleep.

At least we are not alone in our saga. I've confirmed three friends are also doing battle with the mighty virus - an unwitting Flu Club Society. Some folks have worse symptoms than we do and are pretty much living in their bathroom, so we remain grateful as we hope for a return to normalcy (especially regular food. If I see another bowl of soup I will commit murder.)

Stay healthy everyone!