Friday, October 9, 2009


My beautiful, beloved and NEW car was struck today by an octogenarian. Nice lady, but a shitty driver. She was in the lane next to me at UCLA Medical Center trying to pull around a car that was illegally parked, and then BAM! I felt the bump and then the horrible skiding sound of her headlight peeling against the side of my poor, innocent RX. She could have stopped halfway but seemed to prefer scraping the car all the way to the front headlight.

At the end of the day no one was hurt and no one was a jerk, except a lady in a Jaguar who kept bitching at me to move after we pulled to the side of the driveway cos she was in a hurry. So I'm grateful for no injuries, and grateful that Shitty Driver Lady also apologized and admitted she plowed into me. But what a pain in the ass now. I just got the estimate, now need to file a claim, meet with the claims adjuster, rent a car and deal with who knows how much paperwork.

And my poor car with such an unsightly injury! It is simply too fine a vehicle to be disgraced like that.

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