Thursday, June 18, 2009

Life as a 5.5

It's challenging enough being short but what makes it even more tough is finding comfortable shoes. On top of being a size 5 1/2, I also have feet that are narrow and with high arches. I've walked this earth for 30+ years wearing shoes that never quite fit. They are usually too wide, or half a size too big or completely lack support. It's a miracle that I've not thrown in the towel and just resorted to wearing slippers. I own only one pair of shoes that are a perfect fit. They are five years old and about to break into small pieces but they are my lifeline.

I went shopping a few weeks ago and it seemed like only ugly shoes came in a size 5.5. Did all the women in Southern California suddenly sprout long, fat footsies? Is there some bias against us shrimps? I ended up leaving with nothing and feeling very mad. The experience made me think of an old friend, Debbie, who actually had it worse than me. She was 4'11 with massive boobs and size two feet. She looked like she could topple over face first at any minute, with nothing to help balance her. She had to buy her shoes from a kid's shoe store. How humiliating, to be in your 20s and 30s and 40s and never qualify for the adult section!

I guess I can live with the size six Charles David mules - as long as I don't really have to walk anywhere.

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