There is a new season of the "Real Housewives" series, with which I have a love/hate relationship. Love to watch the series when I'm tired or have had a rough day and need something superficial to wind down. I loathe everything else about it. What does it say about our culture that each week, we watch these Botox-filled bimbos whine and complain that so-and-so was rude at the gala and hurt their feelings? What does it say about our society that their catfights make national news? What does it say about me that I actually know their names?
So the new spin-off is the housewives of New Jersey. Are you effing kidding me? I wanna watch Big Hair gossip with Big Hair who fights with another Big Hair? I wanna watch fat children and even fatter husbands at the golf course, wearing ugly shirts and yelling "yo?"
Eff yah!
Just because they only come every four years...
12 years ago
Atlanta was priceless. Ghetto FAAABULOUSNESS at is best and worst.