Monday, May 18, 2009

uh oh, yo

There is a new season of the "Real Housewives" series, with which I have a love/hate relationship. Love to watch the series when I'm tired or have had a rough day and need something superficial to wind down. I loathe everything else about it. What does it say about our culture that each week, we watch these Botox-filled bimbos whine and complain that so-and-so was rude at the gala and hurt their feelings? What does it say about our society that their catfights make national news? What does it say about me that I actually know their names?

So the new spin-off is the housewives of New Jersey. Are you effing kidding me? I wanna watch Big Hair gossip with Big Hair who fights with another Big Hair? I wanna watch fat children and even fatter husbands at the golf course, wearing ugly shirts and yelling "yo?"

Eff yah!

1 comment:

  1. Atlanta was priceless. Ghetto FAAABULOUSNESS at is best and worst.
