So I haven't been feeling all that well in the last week. I feel sluggish and sad. Aunt Flo is not around the corner so I cannot chock it up to my misfortune of still having a period. Damn.
Because I am delicate and whiny and hate feeling out of sorts for more than 30 minutes, I saw my doctor today. He listened and then gently said I have situational depression.
What? WTH?
"Situational depression, which is not clinical depression," he explained. "And given what you have just told me, that you had twins, stopped working and moved, all within a relatively short period of time, it is not surprising."
"So I have depression AGAIN?" I squawked. Why was I squawking at him? It wasn't his fault.
He assured me this too shall pass, gave me some instructions and made an appointment for a physical. I drove back home in semi-shock and rage. Depression? I never had depression in my life, minus the postpartum episode with the bubbas. This crap happens to other people. Not me! Not happy, sunshiny me! (Just nod in agreement please).
So here I am, depressed and feeling like a colossal loser. What is the universe trying to tell me? Do I need to get my eating in order, ingest more flaxseed, meditate? (The answer would be yes). Do I need to make peace with the fact that I miss working and who I was? (Uh huh). Could I stand to lose a few pounds?
Stop nodding your head, damn you.
Just because they only come every four years...
12 years ago