Friday, February 18, 2011

no, i don't think you're sexy

Who are these broads who have mated with Rod Stewart? I just read that he's had his ninth child. The accompanying photo in the story showed him pointing to his wife or girlfriend's belly and holding his thumb up. Besides looking like a dufus, he is REALLY unattractive. So who thought he was sexy in the first place? He's the same guy who implored women to let him know if they found him sexy and wanted his body, right? I just found a photo of him 30 years ago and he was less wrinkled, but not any more good looking.

Money, it's gotta be the money.

Monday, February 14, 2011

mysteries of the universe

1. Why is Kim Kardashian at every award show? As far as I can tell, she is neither a singer, nor a producer, nor an actor.

2. Real Housewives of (city) franchise: I think enough is enough. True, I got hooked on the Jersey and New York shows, but silicone and Botox can only carry a series so far. Do we need a Miami installation, really?

3. Justin Bieber. A documentary on this ass clown? Please!!!!

4. Yet another rom com with Jennifer Aniston. The fact that her new film topped the box office charts, followed by the Bieber film (see above) truly shows how our culture is imploding.

Friday, February 4, 2011

oh my gawd

Another Natalie Portman movie?? As if Black Swann and No Strings Attached weren't enough?

say it ain't so, meg and jack

I guess all good things must come to an end.

After being excited to hear that Meg and Jack White were heading into the studio to record the next White Stripes album, I was brought crashing down to Earth by news that the band is breaking up and will no longer record or perform live.

I've thought about what I should write in tribute but everything seems contrived or just a rehash of what others have already said. And I just can't have that, now can I?

So, to one of my favorite bands, thank you for revitalizing rock, for making amazing music, and for doing it with integrity and a sense of purpose. You will be sorely, sorely missed.